ZANIOLO GIUSEPPE & FIGLIO S.r.l. has defined its Quality Policy, guaranteeing its commitment to continuous improvement and establishing a benchmark in order to identify and review objectives. In particular, the company has taken on specific commitments and duties with the aim of achieving the following priorities:

  • Knowing, understanding and communicating the needs and expectations of all stakeholders within the company;
  • Defining and monitoring processes that have a direct impact on the quality of the service offered;
  • Satisfying the needs of customers, i.e. guaranteeing services that meet their requirements and expectations;
  • Promoting and encouraging the awareness of all the company’s human resources by proactively involving each person first-hand;
  • Ensuring the continuity of supplies and quality standards by means of a risk-based approach;
  • Analysing and understanding changes in the context in which we operate and defining appropriate actions to address this evolution.

To implement the principles described above, the management undertakes to:

  • Transform the customer’s needs into the company’s requirements;
  • Improve the quality of the services provided by preventing possible causes of inefficiency;
  • Respect delivery times;
  • Guarantee the competence, professionalism and availability of our technicians and our operating staff;
  • Maintain the efficiency of the equipment used;
  • Actively involve our partners, suppliers and customers in planning improvement initiatives;
  • Stay up to date with and comply with the regulations and binding laws relating to our sector.

Grumolo delle Abbadesse, 22.02.2018
Head Office